Reader Interactions


  1. Prabha Mani says

    Never heard about making rasam with Beets..Wonderful color..!!Yummo Platter

  2. Shobha says

    Yummy and colourful beetroot rasam..

  3. Jayanthi says

    I thought only H can get such ideas...we have plum tree in our backyard and whenever we get the fruit he pesters me to make rasam out of them....still have not got the guts to make it. After seeing your beetroot rasam I'm gonna try making plum rasam this season...will let you know how it came out . ....BTW ...looks super colorful and tempting.

  4. Suma Gandlur says

    A colorful and healthy rasam.

  5. Akila says

    Wow so nice n colourful....

  6. Priya says

    Healthy and catchy rasam,my fav anytime.

  7. Jayashree says

    Kollu (horsegram) rasam is quite common in Kongu cuisine, Valli. Love the colour of this rasam.

  8. Smitha says

    beautiful color...healthy and delicious!

  9. Pavani says

    Such a colorful rasam. Interesting use of beetroot.

  10. Sangeetha says

    never tried this beets rasam,looks colorful...sounds so yummy n flavorful with all those freshly ground masala...nice recipe!
    Spicy Treats

  11. DivyaGCP says

    Delicious and colorful rasam..

  12. PG says

    thanks for the picture by picture steps! Will try it some time soon when I get hold of some beet roots.

  13. Nalini's Kitchen says

    Colorful and healthy rasam,must be a flavorful one...thanks for sharing.

  14. Chef Mireille says

    colorful rasam..must be so delicous

  15. Pavitra says

    Hey, nice and interesting rasam. I usually add the water drained from cooking beets and add to rasam instead of throwing it and call it beetroot rasam 🙂 But I like the way you've added the cooked beets while making the paste. 🙂 Infact I never throw any water left from cooking veggies(If i do cook the veggies on stovetop. Mostly prefer steaming in MW). I simply add it to simmering rasam.

  16. Lakshmi Aparna B says


    horsegram rasam is ulavacharu in andhraPradesh. When ever my grand mom used to make it, its like a festival for us. Its the best item ever that goes with steam rice.

    steam rice+ ghee+ ulavacharu =====> mmmmmm

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